Parcels Delivered and a T-Shirt Journal

A couple of people received their N/S Manila shirts! :) The shirts are the first few shirts out in the public inside a packaging cooked up a night before.

Also managed to stop by Fully Booked BHS to chill with Kars & Bianca. When out of nowhere, T-World book appears! Without hesitation, I bought it. This is a great T-Shirt journal primarily discussing the background of many world-renowned brands like Stussy, 10Deep, and The Hundreds to name a few.

I’m no book worm. But sometimes, you just know when a book is of THAT quality and should be bought off the shelf, especially when availability is just a problem. Plus it really is a great thing to know a little more of other brands other than what you see commercially.

Should be interesting if I can put Love Army on the map well enough to be recognized by this publication!